
Jun 27, 2022


blog, nextjs, upgrade, v2

Welcome to the new and improved dannywray.co.uk

Hey, thanks for stopping by. I hope you like the fresh coat of paint that I've given to the place. This upgrade is long overdue and I feel it's a real improvement over the last design.

The previous designs were okay, but it didn't really lend it's self to the style of content I want to host here and I felt I could do better. The new design is geared towards blog style posts, hence the chronological timeline on the landing page, and should make much more sense going forward.

You can expect posts about anything, but I mainly plan to post web dev related things such as snippets and code examples.

If you have any comments on the design please let me know I'd love to hear them.

The Tech 🤖

The tech stack is quite a common pattern. I'm using Next.js with styled-components and a handful of MDX plugins for handling the content. This is all packaged up using Next's SSG features and plopped into an AWS S3 using GitHub actions.

If you'd like to see this in more detail then it's all open and available to view on GitHub.

Going forward

This is only beginning and I have quite a backlog of features planned, I just haven't had chance to write them yet. When they're implemented they should make site feel a bit more polished, but for now I didn't think they were necessary and just wanted to get something live - even if it is a little rough around the edges.

I'll be posting about the progress here so look out for those!


Danny wray 2023